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Diamante Edwardia halo lapidação redonda em ouro amarelo 18k


Envolvido por uma auréola brilhante de diamantes engastados em garras, o Edwardia apresenta um padrão floral distinto que lembra o design de jóias vintage. Veja a sua pedra central elevada ao centro do palco neste anel etéreo. Este anel de noivado halo é feito em Ouro Amarelo com um diamante de corte Round.

Metal: Yellow Gold (18k)

€ 1 395,27
Price is for setting only. Price excludes VAT

Rates based on shipping destination or collection point.

Portugal: Your local VAT rate of 23% will apply and will be added at checkout. You will not be charged any import duties for this order. For further details, please refer to our Tax and Duty calculator.

Setting price€ 1 395,27

(excludes centre stone)

VATR$ 0,00
Total€ 1 395,27

Product Details

Product Information:
  • Setting: Vintage
  • Metal: White Gold (18k)
  • Band width: 2.00 mm
  • Claws: 4
  • Recycled metal: Yes
  • Setting style: Thread

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